الجمعة، 2 أغسطس 2019

Financial Modeling & Valuation Analyst - FMVA

Corporate Finance Institute ® (CFI) is a leading financial analyst training institute in Canada that provides career-focused financial modeling and valuation courses. CFI has responsibility for ensuring all courses use the most current and up-to-date financial analysis techniques and that training methods use industry-leading best-practices.

The Financial Modeling and Valuation Analyst (FMVA) ® program is ideal for professional financial analysts and students of different backgrounds.

Target Audience

suitable for professionals, students, accountants and all interested in financial modeling and valuation.


(14 required courses in total)
*11 required courses to build a strong foundation in financial modeling and valuation
*3 elective courses 


*prestigious and internationally respected certificate.
*program is that it’s 100% online and available completely on demand
* at your own speed in a timeframe that’s convenient for your schedule.

Graduation Requirements

1- complete all required and elective courses (14 in total) and demonstrate mastery of the topics through completion of the course materials, quizzes, and assessments.
2- online final exam , three hours ,passing score 70 % , 50 multiple - choice questions, cover the core courses, eligibility upon completion 9 core and 3 elective courses.



*digital FMVA  certificate 
*physical certificate cost is $97 USD upon request

for more information visit CFI